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English 10: English 10 Honors

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Writing Resources

Oxford English Dictionary

OED Oxford English Dictionary


•To become familiar with effective research strategies and documentation practices

•To research and write a brief biographical summary of a selected British author’s life 

•To read a major work or set of minor works by your chosen author

•To write a brief summary of this work or works

•To compile and review secondary source articles related to your primary source, leading to the creation of a working thesis

•To write an analytical essay of approximately six to eight pages exploring an aspect of the primary source you have read, incorporating both illustrative primary source evidence and supporting secondary source quotations

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Remember to Cite Sources!!

Citing your sources doesn't have to be hard. Just remember to get the information while you are in the source!


Cite resources in any format!
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-Click on Register
-For Username type your school email
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-Start a new project and start citing!

Hint: For the citation "level," we recommend "starter" for middle school and "junior" for upper school.