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The Seven Hills School: Teaching in the Block

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Block Scheduling


To love what you do and feel that it matters- how could anything be more fun? Fortune cookie, June 22, 2006  

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The Voice of Experience

Great resource for tips from a school that implemented a block schedule!

Includes practical tips, student perspectives, scheduling within the block and more!!


Free Lesson Plans and Platforms

Looking for effective lesson plans?

Collaborize Classroom  - A great and free resource to engage your students. Includes topics for lessons by subject and grade level.

BetterLesson - Browse thousands of documents, presentations, full lessons - even complete units and courses. Share your curriculum and connect with fellow educators. Sign up is free.

Thinkfinity - Another free sign up for a great site with the ability to search by subject and grade level. Sponsored by Verizon in partnership with educational organizations to provide the latest topics, tools and trends in education.


Mind/Shift - Technology is revolutionizing the world of education – replacing familiar classroom tools and changing the way we learn. MindShift explores the future of learning in all its dimensions – covering cultural and technology trends, groundbreaking research, education policy and more.

Follow the feed, go directly to the site to search some of the archives, or subscribe to the newsletter.

Engaging Students in the Learning Process

2010 Teacher of the Year, Sarah Brown Wessling Videos.

Tch Teaching Channel: Great Teaching, Inspiring Classrooms

A Little Humor Helps!