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Biology: Biology



- Topic overviews, experiments, biographies, pictures/illustrations, articles from magazines and academic journals and links to web sites. Includes a Health World module.  
 - Includes more than 6,300 diagrams, illustrations and images; hundreds of videos and flash animations; more than 1,000 science experiments and activities; biographies and more content. 
Easy access to a multitude of full-text, science-oriented content.  Science Reference Center contains full text for hundreds of science encyclopedias, reference books, and periodicals.
- Great source if you need to research a variety of viewpoints on a particular topic.   
Collection of videos, video clips, speeches, newsreels.
 - Includes: SIRS Issues Researcher (Leading Issues); SIRS Government Reporter (Historic and Government Documents, Directories; SIRS Renaissance (Current Perspectives on the Arts & Humanities); and SIRS Web Select (Editorially Selected Web Sites). Cross search or select a specific database to search.
 - To browse use "Topics" tab from the left OR just enter your term in the search box
Science Databases from PLCH - A library card from the Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County is needed to access the PLCH databases.          


Contains links to stories on health, ecology, energy, wildlife, computers and other topics related to science.

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