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Environmental Science: ES Websites

Environmental Law & Policy Website

Environmental Policy Collection

Focuses on environmental policy resources with an emphasis on climtate change.

Submit your comments on proposed regulations and related documents published by the U.S. Federal government. You can also use this site to search and review original regulatory documents as well as comments submitted by others.

Association Websites

Earth Policy Institute

Earth Policy Institute

Dedicated to planning a sustainable future as well as providing a roadmap of how to get from here to there.

National Wildlife Federation

Inspiring Americans to protect wildlife for our children's future.

National Council for Science and the Environment

Dedicated to improving the scientific basis for environmental decisionmaking.

NOAA - National Oceanic and Atmospheric

Federal agency focused on the condition of the oceans and the atmosphere.

Brings together over 1,500 organizations from across the globe to promote sustainable development, social justice, and human rights.

U.S. Department of Energy

Working to ensure America's Energy Future, Scientific & Technological Leadership, Nuclear Security and to resolve the environmental legacy of the cold war.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Protecting human health and the environment since 1970.


U.S. Geological Survey

Science organization that provides information on the health of our ecosystems and environment.

World Resources Institute

Global environmental think tank that goes beyond research to put ideas into action.

Encyclopedia of the Earth

Encyclopedia of the Earth

Encyclopedia of the Earth 

Electronic reference about Earth, its natural environments, and interaction with society.

Environmental Science Websites


EnviroLink  Dedicated to providing comprehensive, up-to-date environmental information and news.

Environmental Research Web

Environmental Research Web  Provides an international forum for scholarly discussion and analysis of environmental issues and policy.

EPA MyEnvironment

MyEnvironment  Access to environmental information tailored to areas of choice.

EPA MyEnvironment

National Service Center for Environmental Publications  Full-text of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency documents. Environment  Gateway to government science information and research results on the environment.


Smithsonian Science  Brings together stories, photos, and videos of Smithsonian scientific research that "asks questions and explores issues relevant to today and pushes the boundaries of human knowledge."


USGS: Science Topics  Guide to earth science from the U.S. Geological Survey.

Images and Video for Environmental Science

Earth Science World Image Bank

Provides over 6,000 quality geoscience images from the American Geological Institute.

USGS Multimedia Gallery

Collection of videos, photography, and other imagery from the U.S. Geological Survey.


National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics

Publications, data, and analyses about the nation's science and engineering resources


Under "Links to statistics" try "Topic Search" and click on "Search" at the top of that site OR

choose one of the resources on the "Statistical Reference Shelf" site.

Ask the librarian for help if you need assistance locating statistics you want.

Need a Password??

Visit our library page on Schoology and look for the passwords document in Resources.

Cite Your Sources!!!

Citing your sources doesn't have to be hard. Just remember to get the information while you are in the source! Then use:

Citation Machine - NoodleBib Express.

If that doesn't work for you, try these sources.

OWL - Writing Center at Purdue 

Diana Hacker's Research and Documentation Online

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Health Risk Assessment

Environmental Health Risk Assessment

Helps locate and use some of the numerous health-related tools and databases.

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This site provides links and descriptions to websites for all subjects. It gives great results. Enter search term or select from the list of topics. Needs a password for home access.